Friday, June 24, 2011

Gavity Daze - Has Linear Story But Optional Challenges

Siren designer Keiichiro Toyama spoke with Dengeki Online about his next game Project Gravity. Toyama is the creative director of the gravity bending PlayStation Vita title.

Gravity Daze follows Kat who lost her memories, but gained control of gravity when she met a mysterious cat. Each episode begins in a town that Kat can freely explore. Toyama explained that Gravity Daze has a linear story split into episodes, but players can return to cleared areas and tackle challenge missions. Since gravity bending is a flexible mechanic, Toyama said we the team was able to implement it in a variety of ways. Specifically for challenge missions, Toyama says these are time attack-like.

Players will be able to develop Kat too. Toyama says there are a few parameters connected to attack power and Kat’s gravity bending ability to level up. Between five and ten stats are being considered. Gravity Daze will also have items to pick up around town and an ability system. The team is still playing with ideas on how players can unlock new skills.

A release date for Gravity Daze has not been announced, but it’s slated as one of the launch window PlayStation Vita titles.