As a franchise, Street Fighter‘s gone the longest yard, selling over 31 million units to date and being the industry’s most highly-regarded fighter; but in regards to features, it definitely hasn’t broken all the boundaries. Yoshinori Ono, producer of Street Fighter X Tekken, hopes the franchise’s next feat lies within in-depth character customization.
“What I’d love to do someday, if possible, is taking these characters — like Ryu, Chun-Li, Abel, and Juri — and having a game where users could customize them to a high degree,” Ono said during an interview with GamePro. “I’m not talking about their costumes or something like that, but actually customizing what moves they use — the timing of them, their strengths, their weaknesses — so that my Ryu could be completely different from your Ryu. In addition to our skill sets being different, our characters themselves would be different.
“I would compare it to something like F-1 Racing. There’s rules they have to obey and regulations for your car, but all the cars have different engines and different parts. Within that rule set, it really boils down to the driver’s skill. If we could simulate something like that in a fighting game, I think it would be really awesome.”