another cheap and chic look, making use of an old weathered window frame
and the Sneak stapled chicken wire onto an old wooden window frame.

old buildings with old windows and old window frames.

She used an salvaged window frame bought on the cheap and used free
Old doors and windows make lovely place seating charts for your wedding.
I love the mirror that was made out of an old window frame shown in the
These easy to make leaf shapes are showcased in an old window frame,
Unique old windows like circular or semi-circle barn windows or peaked and

Picture Frame. This window provides a perfectly divided option for storing a
I saw the idea to turn old windows into picture frames in Ty Pennington at
Hinge old windows of similar height together to create a room screen or
Window Frame = Trellis. Need a place for your climbing vines? Turn an old
The first is an old window used as a frame. I love the addition of a few
This picture frame was made out of an old window!
and a couple of old window frames make for an excellent insulated straw
DIY window chalkboard wedding menu

old windows we have a million ideas for.

Beautiful cabinets made from old window frames, by My Repurposed Life. LOVE.

Or attach an old window frame above a window box to dress up the dreary wall
Here's our guide to the best window embellishments for old houses.